Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The A to Z's about Me

All about me, courtesy of Upheaval

A is for Age - 28 years, 10 months
B is for Booze - one wine cooler please, maybe two on a good night. And then it is goodnight.
C is for Cookie you crave - Snickerdoodle or Oatmeal Raisin, this is a close tie.
D is for Dating tip you'd give your son or daughter - whoa, this is a whole can of worms.
E is for Essential items to bring to a party- Catch Phrase
F is for Favorite song at the moment - God Will Lift Up Your Head by Jars of Clay
G is for Goof off thing to do - Surf the beloved World Wide Web
H is for Hometown - Dallas, TX
I is for Instrument you play - Piano, and for 2 sufferable years, I "played" the french horn. "Play is a technical term, just ask any of my fellow students in the band. They finally stuck me w/ the cowbell and tamborine. How humiliating.
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - Orange Marmalade w/ white toast. Or Strawberry Rhubarb from La Madeleine
K is for Kids - After 9 years of saying we would never have children, this just might be in our future.
L is for Living arrangement - Wow. Of all days to be answering this. As of two days ago, I am currently living with 7 other people while we are waiting to close on our new home that was SUPPOSED TO BE CLOSED ON TODAY, but I digress.
M is for Mom’s name - Lillian, which I just realized that she pronounces it Lil-yun.
N is for Name of first crush - Chris Jones. I can say this b/c there's probably 2.5 million of them.
O is for Overexposed celebrity? - Paris Hilton, in more ways than one.
P is for Phobias - Anything tight on my neck, or even worse, playing that "pass the orange" game where you pass it from your neck to somebody else's. HOW DID I EVER PLAY THIS GAME AS A KID?!?!! shudder.
Q is for Quote you like - "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways." or its opposite, "If hate were people, I'd be China!!!" (funny line from City Slickers)
R is for Relationship that lasted longest - my hubby
S is for Siblings - 1 younger sister
T is for Texas, ever been? - if you haven't, shame on you. See the letter "H".
U is for Unique trait - My middle fingers both curve way over toward my pinkies. I used to play the piano w/the wrong fingering b/c of this. I guess it's not unique though b/c my dad's are the same way.
V if for Vegetable you love - Corn. Especially on salad, or at Chipotle.
W is for Worst trait - Laziness. I have Chronic Fatigue!!!!
X - is for Xtra Credit, did you ever do it in school? - Yes, and I needed it in high school (see the letter "W").
Y is for Yummy food you make - Snickerdoodles from scratch, and I love to make recipes from the coupon section of the paper, or from the internet. Betty Crocker ain't got nothin' on them.
Z is for Zodiac sign - according to Blogger, it's Leo.

posted by Amstaff Mom | 9:44 AM


Blogger Amanda said...

i finally found your site. your profile page doesn't provide a link.

i really like how you have deftly sidestepped (aka ignored) jes's inquiries of where in the world did jcol go?

we also love mysteries, and this one needs to be explained!

3:02 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

They're on to me!

I can't figure out why my link is not on my profile page. Help!

Watch your feet as I continue side-stepping.

3:46 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

OK, my link is now working. phew...

4:14 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Glad you're back. I had seen you floating around the comment pages of many sites and thought you might just be back as a commentor with not posting but good to see you are posting away.

12:11 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Thanks K-Pinion. It is good to be back! Absence does make the blog seem fonder. I keep forgetting to mention to you when I read your comment on an old blog of Upheaval's (the one on baby names- before he was Dillon) I recognized quite a few names on your suggestion and figured out where you work based on them. No worries, my lips are sealed. It's a small world after all!

1:14 PM  
Blogger True Jersey Girl said...

Just found your site and had to comment on the Amstaff post, as I have a pit bull myself. Great post. And I just did this A-Z thing too, but mine was slightly different. Interesting!

9:35 AM  

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