Monday, August 29, 2005

Speaking of....

I had just posted this morning how I couldn't see without my contacts.

I was swimming my laps on lunch, minding my own business when I realized that I couldn't see as well out of my left eye. At first I thought my goggles were just getting foggy, and then I realized my contact was not in my eye. So, I got out of the pool, gingerly took my goggles off and sat with my back to the breeze. Lo and behold, there was my little hard contact, sitting in my goggles.

As soon as I placed my left contact in, the right contact suddenly gathered dust, or spider legs, or some other unknown substance. I was already back in the pool by this point, so I once again got out of the pool, proceeded to take my right contact out, and then, the breeze caught it and it blew a foot away and landed on the concrete.

Phew! Two close calls.

posted by Amstaff Mom | 1:35 PM


Blogger Heather said...

There is nothing worse than having to go around with only 1 contact in. Glad you saved yours.

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could think of a couple things...

2:14 PM  
Blogger chirky said...

hmm. i hope you didn't pick it up from the concrete and put it back in your eye. i have a phobia of that. anytime i contacts touch anything except my fingers, i MUST rinse them. it's cause i'm anal. that's why.

3:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh my goodness. Today was obviously your lucky day. Whenever I drop mine in the bathroom I freak out, I can't imagine doing it by a pool. (or into a pile of sap). btw, that other anon was NOT me.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

Oh AM, I think I've dropped my contacts just about everywhere. In fact I know one popped out on a hiking trail in Colorado (fun times there).

3:12 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Jes, I did rinse it, but I must admit that I rinsed it in the pool. Does chlorinated water count as rinsing? I had to put drops in it when I got back inside.

Miss, I didn't think the prev. anon was you. I knew it had blown away, my heart skipped a beat, but then I saw the green tint on the concrete. phew!

K-T, I can find a contact ANYWHERE. Just ask Brian, after he dropped his in the woods, in the dark, onto tree sap. Fun times, indeed.

4:02 PM  

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