Monday, August 15, 2005

When friends meet...

So I'm walking around the foyer of the church last night, a few minutes before the service is going to start. I'm trying to find the church library, as our church recently built a new sanctuary and I can't remember where the library is located. I spot one of my friends walking in the door and I speed up to go say "hi" to him.

Then I see her. Or is it her? My walk begins to slow. I finally come to a stop. I'm almost staring now. She was in a conversation, but now she is starting to stare back. Man, I hope it's her, or this is going to be REALLY awkward. She's about 5 feet away. Tall - check. Looks friendly - check. Ridiculously shiny golden locks - check. I hear my own voice let out a hesitant, "Katie???" "Amstaff Mom?" (ok, she knows my real name, so she used that instead of "AM").

Shrieks of glee ensue. Big hugs. It's her!! K-T and the Amstaff Mom have finally met. After our initial greeting, she says "I'm so going to have to blog about this tomorrow!". Obviously I couldn't resist either.

What a wonderful thing, to meet a true friend for the first time. It was great to meet you, K-T!

Oh, and after the service, I did see my friend that I was originally going to say "hi" to!

posted by Amstaff Mom | 6:22 AM


Blogger Katie said...

Ha ha. Amstaff Mom, I couldn't have said it any better. You are priceless. I was so excited to meet you (well meet in the sense of seeing you in person because well I already "know" you). The funny thing is I did the same mental questioning of is it? can it be? am I staring at the wrong person?


8:11 AM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Yea!!! I'm still excited. Blogging is so unique, to have friends that you've never seen. But to put the face to the friend is so much better. I'm just glad you were wearing that outfit! It sure helped!

8:25 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Ha ha you left that out of the story. I just happened to be wearing the same sweater I am in my comment pic. I'd like to say I planned that but well I get cold at church so I happened to grab that. It just adds to the randomness of the siting.

8:56 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

You've met Our Katie with the Ridiculously shiny hair! SO SO SO JEALOUS! God..... When's it my turn.... wait we aren't suppose to covet or have envy..... Must go and repent.

9:03 AM  
Blogger chirky said...

KT left a message on my voicemail last night describing what happened. How random and funny! I'm glad you two got to meet!

10:06 AM  
Blogger steve said...

Katie was wearing that fishnet again? Easy to spot her when she does that

10:19 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Heidi, we could all have a Windsor or Sarnia get-together this fall!

A-M, HOW COOL IS THAT?!?! I take it you two already went to the same church? I can't keep track of all of y'all who live near each other. ;-)

8:12 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

MsThang, please make sure to tell us all about your meet and greet in September.

Heidi, you ARE far away!!! Don't you want to fly south with Jayleigh this winter?

And Jayleigh, yes, K-T and I attend the same church, but had never met in person. Now, that has all changed.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Edgy Mama said...

That's so cute. I've been having fun meeting Asheville bloggers lately. And one day I'll make it out to Tex-aasss.

1:04 PM  

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