Monday, September 26, 2005


K-T wrote about her future Hero today. When I was reading it, I couldn't help but thinking of my hero. Brian to the rest of you. Sweetie to me. So here it goes. These are the reasons that he is my hero.

My hero is . . .

Smart, intelligent, educated, a life long learner. Brian would be the first to admit that he's not a "book smart" kind of guy. He doesn't enjoy reading fiction or novels, and never does. He does love to learn though. He is always willing to help out others, and in doing so, has learned valuable tools. He can fix just about anything around the house, and can calculate all the angles and measurements in building something. I get lost trying to think through the process of ordering all the supplies for a sprinkler system, but he can do it with ease. Over the last few years, he has developed a gift for studying apologetics. Apologetics is being able to defend your faith against other religions. In doing so, my "non-reader" has purchased commentaries, concordances and made numerous spreadsheets with Bible verses on different subjects. He loves to debate with Mormons, or on "hot topics/issues". And he's good at it. I am so proud.

Able, strong, capable of protecting me. Brian may not be the biggest guy in the world. He was teasing K-T this week that she could beat him in leg wrestling since he weighs 63 pounds. Neither K-T nor I took that the right way, but he meant it all in good fun. I always feel safe with him though. For a long time I weighed more than him (unfortunately). Now, we're back to the same weight, but he's three inches taller. I always feel safe with him though. Always. Never have I thought that he couldn't protect me. From any type of danger. One time, we were at the lake when the worst hail storm ever occured all of a sudden. It was coming at as vertically and the wind was blowing so hard that limbs were breaking and large ice chests full of drinks and ice were scooting across the concrete. There we were under a shelter for picnic tables getting painfully slammed with large chunks of ice. And what did Brian do? He wrapped his body around mine as a shield to protect me, while he got slammed by the painful ice. I love this man.

Honest, truthful, with integrity. Brian is a hard worker, and is respected amongst his peers. I completely trust him, and so can everyone else.

Loving, affectionate, romantic. The notes left in my car. The Payday candy bars (my favorite) when I go on a trip. The surprise cards. Footrubs. The list goes on. I'll try not to embarrass him further.

A leader. People look up to him on the ministry team that we're involved with . He is organized and trustworthy. For me, it is natural to follow him. He is not controlling or dominating. He values my input and freely admits his mistakes. We make decisions as a team, but he know he is the final say. I respect him.

A good father. I see how he acts with my nieces and nephews and I have no worries. He is disciplined and loving, and would know how to mold our children to be both.

My hero will have a sense of humor. Where do I begin. This is the first quality that endeared me to him. Everybody knows he has a sense of humor. After he gets out of his initial shyness, there is no stopping him. I start crying I laugh so hard at some of his stories. Things he's done and can now laugh about. He keeps me laughing. Always has, always will.

He will have a hobby, craft, or skill. He loves to build things. And work in the yard. This weekend he scraped his leg on rebar, smashed his finger with a hammer. Scraped his hands terribly picking up 25 lb concrete stones over and over again. The landscaping is perfect though. Each stone is completely level, in every direction. Perfectionism does have its benefits!

Weak, broken, rebuilt. There's a verse in the Bible that says, "He restores the years that the locusts have eaten." How true.

Has a mission. Sometimes I longingly wish that he could sit down, relax, or take a nap. But he's got things to do and items to check off his list. Is it a bad thing, no. He does have a mission. Always.

*And one other qualification: He has blue eyes. Sigh.

I love you, "Brian".

posted by Amstaff Mom | 9:47 AM


Blogger Katie said...

Wow what a sweet love letter to your husband.

Brian gets super hero points for the hail story.

I'm glad I'm getting to know the two of you and seeing what a great relationship you have.

10:36 AM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Thanks K-T. We're crazy, but it's more fun that way!

We're enjoying getting to know you better too. I'm ready for Luby's and Rudy's anytime!!


11:36 AM  
Blogger chirky said...

wow. reading this makes me want to write a similar letter to roger, if only because it seems to be a trend. :)

i loved reading through this, and seeing how perfectly God matched the two of you together. :)

12:34 PM  
Blogger Edgy Mama said...

You're a sweetheart, AM. Brian's a lucky guy.

1:24 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Wow, thanks Edgy Mama!

Jes, it's weird how in some ways, we're so very opposite, and in others, we're just the same. That's what makes it love, I guess.

1:47 PM  
Blogger steve said...

and I feel like writing one to.. ummm.. err..

Get Texas ready is all I can say... working on my two-step...

1:57 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...


2:19 PM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Word Ver is NIPZES! Nip Zes in ze bud!

8:48 PM  

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