Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Chutes and Ladders

I've always had a fear of ladders. I've had to overcome this fear somewhat being a homeowner. I love color on the walls. I don't enjoy painting per se, but I enjoy the difference a good coat of paint can make on a room. So, I have begun conquering my fear over the years, as having the paint stop at 5 1/2 feet on a 9 ft wall would not be aesthetically appealing. So after 3 homes and lots of practice, I even went up in the attic, at night, by myself the other day. This is a big feat for me. The only mishap was the small tree (splinter) that I managed to impale in my hand from gripping the rungs too tightly.

They are doing some electrical work in the ceiling tiles in my office today. I was standing by the fax machine sending some documents on their merry way, and I was mesmerized by one of the guys on the ladders. He wasn't even holding on as he was yanking foot after foot of wire from the attic, and LEANING BACK the whole time. Then he'd stand on one foot while repairing whatever problem there was with the wiring. Not a second thought that he was standing on a very slim piece of metal 5 feet off the ground.

Brian and his twin used to roof houses, so he thinks nothing of ladders, or of climbing up on the roof. In order to put the lights on our last house, he'd back his truck up with the bed right below the roofline, put the ladder in the pickup bed, and then climb up on the roof, and THEN CLIMB BACK DOWN. I understand what goes up must come down, but oh my goodness, that would make me freak a beak. That precarious first step from the roof to the ladder, because even then, the ladder wasn't tall enough to easily step up or down from the roof. Scary!

To sum up, I am impressed by fearless ladder climbing fellas. Impressed!

posted by Amstaff Mom | 9:03 AM


Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

5 bonus points? Wahoo!

And no, you won't catch ME on stilts. I don't want to be in the "taller than Eddo" category. No thank you.

10:00 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Can't you raise your hands above your head or are you only like 4 foot nothing?? ;)

10:19 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

Ha ha ha, Ben's comment made me laugh out loud.

Oh JCol, ladders aren't fun for taller people either because then you deal with the whole balance thing being 8 feet in the air at your feet and then your head is another almost 6 feet in the air. I think I would rather be shorter and on a taller ladder than tall on a short ladder. Doesn't make sense I know but do I ever?

10:28 AM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Benjamin Nuestra McMinnesota, are you pickin on my momma??!!!? Ok, she's 4'10" but still!

I can raise my hands above my head, but I can't say "Go-Go Gadget Arms" to make then 4 foot long! NINE foot ceilings.

Geez, louise.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Benjamin Nuestra McMinnesota?!?! LOL!!! That was great! And I don't even know the story behind it! lol

Ladders scare me too Amstaff, no doubt.

11:39 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Sometimes I crack myself up.


12:08 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Ben, somehow I don't doubt that in the least.

12:16 PM  
Blogger Live, Love, Laugh said...

lol! If I didn't know better I would think all of you were brothers and sisters. The name you gave Ben made me laugh!

4:23 AM  
Blogger Jenny said...

I don't like them either... and I'm 5'11"... anything that makes me taller than 4 inches from my normal height has me a bit freaked... like those 6" platforms I very stupidly bought a few years ago... yeah, bad idea. I was head and shoulders taller than everyone we went out with, including my hubby who's naturally 2 inches shorter than me. :-)

BTW, you COULD make your hubby do the ladder work, or else get one of those moving staircases like in huge libraries!

8:39 AM  

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