Monday, December 05, 2005

Aerobics: A Love/Hate Relationship

Since the Turkey Trot was a big goal of mine, my main form of exercise these past few months has been jogging. I transitioned from swimming during the summer to jogging around the complex, so it's been a looooong time since I've done any of the classes offered in our gym. Today was step aerobics. Which brings both fear and loathing to my un-coordinated self. On the other hand, I love that I feel like I have burned some serious calories and worked my little muscles to their death.

There's something about listening to normally upbeat songs at a speed that Alvin and the Chipmunks could only dream about. I finally get to do "jazz steps" that I was forbidden to do as a kiddo, when only ballet and tap were allowed but not jazz. I feel accomplished when I can actually complete the whole routine without falling over the step (yes, I did this once) or going completely the wrong direction (I do this often). So today, I survived my first day back to the land of Step Aerobics. Yee-haw!

Now, I just need to survive tomorrow's class and Wednesday's yoga. ugh.

posted by Amstaff Mom | 11:01 AM


Blogger Katie said...

go JCol go, get down with your jazzy dancin self

11:30 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Go JCol Go!

Aerobics is so much fun for me: and so much torture!

Great accomplishment though! Congrats!

8:46 AM  
Blogger Eddo said...

I think that as far as guys go I am pretty darn coordinated, but those step classes are a killer! Ugh. I ALWAYS turn the wrong way or mis-step.

Anyway, keep it up, keep it up, keep that aerobic spirit up.

I don't know why I felt like a cheer was necessary there.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

You are SO much braver than I am...!

5:27 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Good for you.

I like yoga, but haven't done it in so long, I think I'd strain something if I tried!

12:24 AM  

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