Wednesday, January 04, 2006

My Body's Love/Hate Relationship w/ Yoga

So far, so good. I biked 10 miles on Monday, jogged/walked a 5k yesterday, and today I went to yoga for the first time in months. I've been trying to stretch at home since I've been absent from class for so long. A downward dog here, a plank there, and a brief forward hold everywhere. So as I unrolled my mat today, all the memories of stretched and quivering muscles came back. As a kiddo I was too small and lightweight for most sports, but I excelled at ballet, even getting into toe. So thankfully, I still have pretty good balance. I used to be uber-flexible, but this has waned considerably with age. I can't get anywhere close to the splits, and my body just doesn't bend this way or that anymore. And I'm not even old!

In today's class, after the initial stretches, we got into the "sun salutations". I was able to do "tree" (standing on one leg and putting your foot against the side of your knee, at a right angle) and other balance moves. But other moves had my calves screaming from the after-effects of yesterday's jog (and the move itself). Using one's body weight, or in this case, MY body weight as resistance results in the arms quivering enough to register on a Richter scale. Just bending down to get my gym bag resulted in my legs protesting violently. I can rest assured that I will be oh so sore tomorrow.

As we age, our bodies seem to lose their elasticity at an alarming rate. I remember how much better I felt after going to yoga class consistently, and could really notice that I was getting more limber and flexible. This is really important in preventing injuries and protecting the bones with strong muscles. I began to say things like, "Hey look, I have toes! And I can even touch them now!". Getting the oxygen flowing and moving muscles that have been collecting cobwebs and dust really does make me feel better. Just remind me of this tomorrow, please. I'm afraid I'll be too sore to post.

posted by Amstaff Mom | 11:05 AM


Blogger chirky said...

I, too, have noticed how my flexibility has waned with age. I don't know much about yoga, though. Perhaps I should try it!

11:35 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Yes, yoga is quite the sport, let me tell you! I'm quite a limber gal myself, so it was rather easy for me to twist this way and that, but still, my muscles were definitely screaming at me the next day, no doubt about that!

Good for you, JCol for keeping with all the excercise: I'm no longer a member at any gym (will be again in 2 weeks) so it's hard for me to figure something to do in this frigid weather to work out my body.

Maybe I should move somewhere where the weather is a little nicer... ;)

12:47 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Jes, I don't get in to the whole "namaste" thing. Basically meaning that my "core" salutes your "core" and all the "oneness" stuff, but the exercise is fabulous and is a real workout!

12:58 PM  
Blogger steve said...

I had a Yogo stint with my personal trainer from hell. I liked it until she introduced me to that yogo they do in the hot rooms... I actually sweated my spleen out of my body

1:22 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I just like all the names of the positions in yoga - downward dog, upward cat, sideways elephant

Ok, I've never done yoga, but I've heard great things about it, maybe you can teach me some "moves"

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even talk about exercise right now, b/c I need it so bad esp. being pregnant. Still, it'll have to wait until I feel a little bit better, excuses...excuses.

4:08 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Oh I hear you, girl!

I love yoga, but I hate when the instructor is so "into" it as a sort of "religion" if you will... so I've stopped for the time being.

:-) I hope your muscles aren't still angry with you!

7:33 AM  
Blogger JLR said...

JCol: I, too, am getting back into yoga this semester. I haven't actually made it a class yet, but I have picked out the place and am picking a class time. I am so excited! I miss what little flexibility I had!

7:37 AM  

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