Thursday, March 30, 2006

Another Nickname

I have numerous nicknames. A plethora. And yet, somehow I manage to keep them all straight and answer to any and all of them. Different friends have different nicknames for me, and I cherish them all. Each one is special in its own way.

I have one more nickname now. It was given to me by my friend and teacher. The "rule" is that if you know a deaf person for awhile, and they get to know you and your personality, they will give you a "nickname". It is a shortened version of your name, and incorporates something to do with your personality.

Yesterday I was given my very own sign name. I will be able to have this sign for anyone I know and I'm probably the only one with this particular sign (as opposed to my real name which my parents didn't think was popular when they named me). Hmph.

I am excited to have my own sign name. It's the first initial of my name combined with the flourish of a "smile". Because yes, I do smile quite often. OK, alot. Enough to have been nicknamed "Smiley" by someone at every job I've ever worked at. So it's perfect. And it's one more step to becoming more involved in the deaf community.

I'm thrilled.

posted by Amstaff Mom | 2:28 PM


Blogger Aim Claim said...

That is REALLY cool. Your own sign... huh?!

4:29 PM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Very Cool!

I think I have my very own sign name too, even though few people know it and I normally only see it when I am on the road. It is a hand with all the fingers folded down except one. I think it is the letter "I" and it means, I want to hang out with you. Yep, I have my own sign too!

7:13 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

so fun, and yes a smile fits you PERFECTLY

you'll have to teach me your sign

7:31 AM  
Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

See, I was the opposite. I only know of one other person with my name, and I hated feeling like I didn't have a "normal" name like everybody else. When I was little, I wanted to be named "Genny" because there were always four or five "Gennys" or "Jennys" in my classes growing up. We had to call them "Jenny A", "Jenny B", "Jenny C", etc. just to keep them all straight. Of course, no one ever had to do that with my name.

The only other person with my name is my cousin, but she is older and doesn't find it nearly as amusing as I do to call each other by our name. *Sigh*

Of course, my name also has do I put this...interesting connection to a brief (yet surprisingly major) moment in U.S. history. So, it will randomly come up in conversation. That is generally the only time I hear my name when it isn't in reference

So, anyway, when it came time for me to have a sign name, I didn't care if it was unique. I just wanted to be able to identify it from across the room.

11:10 AM  
Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

By the way, do you ever watch ER? I'm guessing not (I've been an ER addict for over a decade now. Sad, I know), but last night you really, really should have. One of the characters that came into the ER was deaf, and there was a lot of signing. I was so impressed with myself, because I actually understood what they were saying when they were signing. So maybe (just maybe) there is hope for me yet!

11:15 AM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Thanks Aim! Cool, eh?

Eddo. *shakes head* Eddo, Eddo, Eddo.

K-T - Thanks! And yes, it's an easy one to learn.

Deals - This is funny in so many ways. Especially since we know each other's REAL names.

My friend that's an interpreter told me about ER. She watched it too. Good for you!! See? We need to practice together!

11:37 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Nicknames rock.

12:47 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

That is exciting! :-)

6:18 PM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Are you still watching Survivor AM? Has it been good this season? It seems that I have heard NOTHING about it.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Smiley works for you! And think of the poor people that get much worse nicknames: shorty, grumpy, Prince...

6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's really cool! can you film yourself signing your nickname so we can all see?

8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want a sign name!!

11:52 AM  
Blogger Lia said...

That's a great nickname. It's nice to know how sign language incorporates a person into a sign. NIce!

1:44 PM  

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