Thursday, June 29, 2006

Have Backpacks, Will Travel

Well, ready or not, the next chapter of my life is about to begin. Saturday is July 1st. It's the day that I will fly to London, and then to Glasgow. It is the month that I will turn 30, that I will start school, and a new job. Cha-cha-changes.

I feel like it's a fresh start. School was a terrible experience for me. Between my self-esteem and the battles between my mom and me, I have no good memories of it. OK, one. I got an "A" in Business Math. I had a great professor for that class and I think that's the only "A" in Math I had since elementary school. I'm a different person now, and I am ready for the challenge of school. Ready to learn and accomplish. It's really a good feeling.

What better place to kick off this new chapter than in Scotland? We're cutting our teeth on this trip, but ya know what? It's not our plans. It's His plans. And come what may on this trip, I believe our hearts are in the right place and that God will bless that. I'll probably be covered in paint by the time I'm through. Have enough British tea in me to host the 2nd Boston Tea Party, take too many pictures, but also have memories that will last a lifetime. God willing, we will impact lives for eternity. That I am able to go on this trip is such a God-thing. I'm excited and nervous and eager with anticipation.

Please pray for our team. For those doing evangelism and those doing construction (me!) and those doing a little of both. Please pray for safety, time-management, servant's hearts, friendships, and souls.

When I return, I will begin school the following day, and then start my new job the day after that. I really is a new chapter, alot of things happening at once. I really am excited. I also know that we don't know what tomorrow holds for us, and that THIS is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

God bless you my blogger friends. I'll try to say "hi" to Nessie for you! Have a wonderful Fourth of July, and we'll talk again soon!

posted by Amstaff Mom | 5:06 AM


Blogger steve said...

Hey there

My prayers go with ya J-col! I know that God ha great things for you and Brian. Have a fantastic time in Scotland.

Gods Grace!

10:27 AM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Jubal - A sincere thank you!!!

11:02 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

JCol - well you know how excited I am for you, so many changes, so many exciting things, just SO MUCH NEWNESS. And yet I see such excitement and joy in you when you talk about it and that makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

So off to Scotland with you. Go and admire the rolling hills and great accents and if you happen to stumble upon a nice Christian man who looks a lot like William Wallace feel free to stuff him in your backpack and bring him back as a gift for me. (Please note: Only looking like William Wallace, some of the other guys in that movie were a bit "off" looking).

Really friend I am so excited for you and am of course praying for all the NEWNESS.

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JCol, Change can be so exciting, and yet so intimidating. I think it's easy for me to be excited for you because I'm not in your shoes. It's not MY life that is about to be altered, it's not MY brain that will have to endure the months of studying. Still, I am so proud of you! I hope you enjoy Scotland. I hope that you DO take too many pictures. I hope that you cherish your time there, the people you meet, the service you're performing.

I'm thrilled for you!

1:39 PM  
Blogger Lia said...

You'll all do great and have a great time. And I'm sure that all those changes will be for the best.
Have a wonderful time, do great things, bring back pictures and memories and stories to share.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Have a wonderful trip and give Nessie a sugarcube from me!

4:18 AM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Well, I read this last night at the dinner table/thumbtack and now I am posting a comment!!! Yeah!

I am excited for you and your trip and it was so much fun catching up wtih you guys last night. I didn't want to leave!

So I will be praying for you and your trip and that God works miracles - which I know he will!

6:27 AM  
Blogger Greg said...

Travel safe! Don't come back with an accent... (Can't imagine what a Texas accent mixed with a Scotish accent would sound like.)

Praying for you!

7:41 AM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Thank you everyone!

K-T, I'll keep my eyes peeled for a W.W. with a "good head on his shoulders".

Thanks Jes!

Thanks Lia!

Saur - Sugar cubes? Really?

Eddo - last night was much fun! Thumbtack. ha! I didn't want to leave either, and I haven't been somewhere past closing time in a long time!

Ben McMinn - thanks! Actually if you emphasize the Texas accent enough, it can begin to sound British. Scary, I know.

So excited!!!!

9:49 AM  
Blogger JLR said...

I'm sad that you won't be here for the Fourth--but I'm so excited for you! Hang in there! He has GREAT THINGS planned for you!

11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, say his to Nessie for me. My mother is in Glasgow right now. That is where my family is from. I pray that you have a safe adn adventurous trip! Can't wait to see some pictures:)

12:34 PM  
Blogger Amanda said...

new chapters in life, aren't they scary? how would we do this without our Lord?

i am praying for you, sweetie. can't wait to read stories of your trip!

2:32 PM  
Blogger Aim Claim said...

How exciting... change is scary, but so good!

Prayers for you in the journey ahead! you're gonna be great!

2:35 PM  
Blogger Deals On Wheels said...

So, you were probably on the same flight as my brother. He flew to London on Saturday, too. He's doing a summer at Oxford (through his school here in the States).

Hope you have fun! Sorry I was out of pocket this week and didn't get a chance to wish you "safe travels".

7:32 AM  
Blogger Tim Rice said...

It looks like you have lots of good things to look forward to. I wish you well. Enjoy!

12:54 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Bless you dear lady. You're probably there by now. I am praying for the mission as well as your team, and for school when you get back. ENJOY!!!

8:18 PM  

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