Wednesday, October 04, 2006

3 1/2 Stars

Action (or is it Ashton?) heroes, near-death experiences, conquering your fears, rugged guys. This is the theme of the new movie The Guardian. Kevin Costner is looking better than ever. Ashton proves he can play a serious role. The Coast Guard gets its plug. All in all this was a very entertaining movie.

I had seen Hollywoodland the weekend before and it was o.k. , but kind of heavy. I was hoping for the next L.A Confidential and was disappointed. Overall Diane Lane and Ben Affleck give pretty solid performances (yes, I said Ben Affleck), It was probably his best movie since Good Will Hunting - one of the best Dramas out there. One of my personal favs at least. Speaking of Mr. Damon, when is the next Bourne movie coming out? That's going to be GREAT.

posted by Amstaff Mom | 8:05 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm definitely gonna hafta agree with you about GWH. One of my favorite movies of all time. and not just because of a crush on the actor (ahem, miss matt damon fan) Ah, well, you have matt, and i have a certain mr. clive owen. sigh. speaking of which, have you heard anything about his new film yet?..

9:20 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

I never get around to seeing movies. I can barely stand TV. But if it's something really unusually good or unusually big (like the next James Bond) I'll probably go.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Hm! That sounded more morose than I meant it to be. I am just SO swamped lately that reading (which is my fave thing to do) has to take a back seat.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Yes! Bourne! Those movies are great, I read the book and it should be really good if they can make it parellel the book better than they did the first two. They always leave so much out and now days movies are getting better at staying close to the book - but on the bourne identity they kind of lose a lot of information.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

New blog address =

Come check me out!!

3:20 PM  

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