Thursday, November 09, 2006

Get a Rope

Do you remember the old Pace commercials? "This Picante sauce was made in San Antonio, where people know what real picante sauce is supposed to taste like. Where was your sauce made?" (says sheepishly) "New York City." "NEW YORK CITY?!?!!" "Get a rope".

Well, get ready to hang me b/c I'm headed there tomorrow morning. Although I might not buy any hot sauce there so on second thought, hold the hanging.

Yes, I'm going on the annual service/mission trip to NYC with a group from church. Yea! I'll probably be really excited tomorrow but for now, I'm just nervous. Why? Because I need to:

Write a 2-5 page paper within the next 3 hours
Spend 3 1/2 hours at school
Finish up chores around the house
Mentally/Spiritually prepare for the trip.
And I won't be home until 9:30 tonight to do the above tasks. AUGH!!!

So, prayers are coveted for the trip and for my sanity in preparing for it. Please pray for safe travel, blessings for the 16 of us going, and that we will be used as God pleases.

Gotta get going on that paper now. Latras!

posted by Amstaff Mom | 11:17 AM


Blogger Eddo said...

Yikes! It sounds like someone is either too busy or procrastinating... which is it? Confess!

Well, I am excited for you guys, but I can't say that I wish I was going because I have so much going on here that I can't imagine taking a break and going to NYC. I'd come back E-X-H-A-U-S-T-E-D. Even though I would love the ministry part of it. That is always fun and spending time with people is always fun too. Oh, and that Sandwich shop. Sammy's? Sal's? Which is it? Either way I am hungry for it right now!!!!! Bring me back a SANDWICH!!! hahaha.

12:36 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

So excited for you and I know that this will be a great time for you to serve others with your big heart. I'll be praying and will expect a detailed account with pictures upon your return. More homework for you, but at least this is a fun assignment.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Amstaff Mom said...

Eddo - it's Lenny's. And I'm both - busy and procrastinating.

Thank you K-T.

OK guys, one more prayer request. That I feel better. I had to leave school early b/c my stomach was doing flip-flops. Threw up several times on the way home and then again at home. I MUST be well tomorrow. Please pray for me?

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so excited about this trip for you - you've gone how many years in a row now? four? wait. is this five? four, i think. three? oh, gosh. someone get me caffeine! stat!

1:19 PM  
Blogger Lia said...

Since I'm sure that everything got done okay, I hope you're enjoying NYC. Take care of it till I get back, okay?

8:34 AM  
Blogger Eddo said...

Nope. No update yet.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope your time is blessed!!!

8:04 AM  

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