Thursday, February 08, 2007


In response to one co-worker stating that this year they are offering "Anti-Valentine's Day Cards".

"Oh, cmon! If you don't have a Valentine, SUCK IT UP!"

-said by the sweetest co-worker (that's also a grandma)

posted by Amstaff Mom | 11:36 AM


Blogger JLR said...

Oh, I would totally be interested in that card. Because I don't like Valentine's Day. I like it even less when I'm dating someone, so it's not because I'm not celebrating it with anyone.

Well, I should say that I love Valentine's Day candy because (a) it's candy and (b) it comes in pink and red packaging. But that's about it.

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find nothing good about Valentines. Either there's the stress of planning the perfect date and getting the perfect gift, or the annoyance of having no one to stress about. It's a lose-lose situation in my opinion.

6:37 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Hehe. It's way funnier that a sweet grandma said it!

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha. The things is that we can ALL have valentines. It's just a day to show someone you love them, be it your mom, dad, sibling, friend or lover.

11:42 AM  

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