More about the Amstaff Mom
I stole this from Katie, but since she' s on vacation, it's o.k. I also copied some of her answers. That's probably not o.k., but oh well, she's on vacation.
1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection? Depends on your definition of geekiest. Nerdiest is probably my Beethoven or Andrea Boccelli CD. Geeky- Juice Newton.
2. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? Last night it was green grapes.
3. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? I always cry in Notting Hill, when the husband refuses to leave his wife behind in her wheelchair, an instead scoops her up to join the group in the car. I cried the most in The Passion of The Christ. Boo-hooed. And I remember crying when I saw Pearl Harbor- when the missle is heading down from the sky to blow up the U.S.S. Arizona. I had been to Pearl Harbor, and it just kinda hit me when I saw that one scene.
4. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? I would have LASIK in a heartbeat. I just need the funds.
5. Do you have a completely irrational fear? I guess scary movies. Can't watch them or I'd have nightmares for years. I can't look at the movie jackets at Blockbuster.
6. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? Dodging my eyes, or just shutting down.
7. Are you a pyromaniac? No, but I do like campfires.
8. Do you have too many interests? No, not at all.
9. Do you know anyone famous? No, not at all.
10. Describe your bed? Queen sized, tall, with a ton of pillows- both decorative and regular. A duvet, and a comforter folded down at the bottom.
11. Spontaneous or planned? It really depends. I love to plan an itinerary for trips, to maximize my time for sightseeing, but I love being spontaneous on day-to-day stuff.
12. Who should play you in a movie about your life? Sandra Bullock seems the most like me. She lives in Austin, and I love Austin.
13. Do you know how to play poker? No, not really.
14. What do you carry with you at all times? My purse, normally. And water bottle.
15. What do you miss most about being a kid? Hanging out with friends.
16. Are you happy with your given name? Yes, there were just too many of us.
17. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? Alot. I am VERY dependent on the internet. It would take me awhile for an exact figure. Although if it was enough to allow me to travel for that one year, a trade would be underway.
18. What color is your bedroom? Bedspreads, duvets, pillows are cream. There are some blue accents due to pictures, frames I have.
19. What was the last song you were listening to? "I'd go wherever you would go" by The Calling. My brother-in-law drove this morning.
20. Have you ever been in a play? Last time I was actually in one was my jr. yr. in high school. I played the piano for my Sr. play, but I wasn't actually in it.
21. Have you ever been in love? Yes, twice.
22. Do you talk a lot? No, not really.
23. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? This is a work in progress, but I have come along way.
24. Do transient, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? Not normally, but my Sr. year in high school, I was flashed by a homeless guy who had cut a giant whole out of his pants and wasn't wearing anything underneath them. I was in a hallway with no one else there, so it was pretty creepy. They later called the police, and they came on their bicycles since it was Downtown Dallas.
25. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? Yes, I think so.
26. Do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends? Husband. Am I too old to be filling this out or something?
27. What is your ideal marriage location? This has already taken place, and the church we got married in was very beautiful.
28. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play? Gee-tar.
29. Favorite fabric? The fabric of our lives- cotton.
30. Something you love and hate? Being alone.
31. What kind of bedding do you use? See #10.
-What happened to #32????
33. What's the one language you want to learn? Spanish, since everyone assumes I know it already. 3 yrs. in high school, one yr. in college and 1/2 my family is fluent and I still don't know it. Blast!
34. How do you eat an apple? Organically.
35. What do you order at a bar? Sprite.
36. Have you ever pierced your body parts? Ears, two years ago.
37. Do you have tattoos? No.
38. Do you drive stick? I've had dreams where I'm driving a stick. How weird is that? I learned how to drive my boyfriend's Jeep in high school, but that was only around the church parking lot. I haven't tried again since though.
39. What's one trait you hate in a person? If they have to have attention. That irks me.
40. What kind of watch(es) do you wear? A Timex RUSH sports watch my s-i-l and b-i-l gave me on my last birthday. Sometimes I actually remember to change to a Seiko that is gold/silver with a blue face. I've had a silver Kenneth Cole in my purse for about 6 mos. now. It needs a battery.
41. Most frivolous purchase? More shoes.
42. Do you consider yourself materialistic? I try not to be, but I like good brands. Not because they are popular, but because they usually last longer. I refuse to buy any item of clothing regular price, but I love finding things regularly $100 for $17.50.
43. What do you cook the best? Casseroles and Pecan Pie.
44. Favorite writing tool? Computer, I type so much faster than I write
45. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? Blend in.
46. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? I'm not sure what this means. 47. What's one car you will never buy? A station wagon or a Pontiac Aztec.
48. What kind of books do you like to read? All, any, everything
49. If you won the lottery, what would you do? Pay off my debts, give money to family, donate to certain charities, travel.
50. Burial or cremation? If my family has the money, burial. If not, cremation.
51. How many online journals do you read regularly? Too many and yet too few
52. What's one thing you're a sore loser at? Somebody else having a better sense of direction, I guess.
53. If you don't like a person, how do you show it? I try to walk away.
54. Do you cry in front of your friends? Yes.
55. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people? Quiet, I guess. Good question.
56. What's one thing you like to do alone? Read.
57. Are you a giver or a taker? Giver.
58. When's the last time you cried? About a month ago.
59. Favorite communication method? Talking
60. How many drinks before you're tipsy? I've never been tipsy, but I've never had more than 2 wine coolers either.
61. Do you think you're cute? Not really.
62. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends? No. But I always hope that there's no one in the locker room when I have to change into a swimsuit. I do have my limits.
And with that folks, I'm done.
posted by Amstaff Mom | 9:47 AM | 7 comments